Jyothisha Tatwa Vichararam 7th day 02.12.12. Notes.
Sani is Thamogunakarakan. It distroys our Sradha or Concentration.
Sani is also Dukha Karakan and Sanyasa Karakan.
Question What is the Pramanam for these kind of opinion or discussions?
Ultimate Pramanam of all is Vedam even for Jyothisham when disputed.
The eagerness and happiness in hearing it itself is the answer.
This is from Vaidika Sahith
yam and evolutes from its 20 years of study.
What is the Pramanam for 6 years for Soorya Dasa and 16 years for Gurv
dasa? It is also there in Vaidhka Sahithyam. Gargmuni in Adharva veda
defines 28 stars.
Adukkala Kanal represents the observation of cleanlyness or how much Sani is power full.
Sani is for purifies ourself and it is comming through back side just
like a servent. When they work it is foud horrible and after its work it
cleans and butifies.
Thus Sani is to be welomed or blocked?
How to tackle the sani.
Avarana sakthi and Vikhepa sakthi are darkness and light of Maya. The
cause is darkness or Avarana sakthi or Ahamkaram. Sublimate the darkness
by lighting of Ellu Thiri.
Pambu+mel+kadu= Pambumekkad is the
Melkadu is Sahasra Padmam at the end of 6th padi x 3= 18 padi of
kundalini and thus 18 years for Rahu Dasa.
Mahabharatham and Ramayanam are the epics of Prasna Pariharam.
All pramanams are Vyaso uchistham and Kalpanikam.
Avaranam is the ignorance like Reju Sarpam.
Sani has got rings arround it.
The reflection of Chitha Sudhi is seen in a cleaned Adukkala.
The distruction of the Avaranam of karana sareeram is a must by the anugraham of sani thus Sani is a Moksha karakan.
Karma Sanyasi Karakan is Sani.
Kandakan is sani at the kendram of Chandran that is at 1,4,7,10 th positions.
Ezhara Sani is the sani at 12,1,2 positions.
The Sradha or concentration is the tool for Sani Dosha Pariharam.
It is to learn even for failing. The game of Pambum Koniyum or Kili mas
is to learn how to fail. Refer Mathrubhumi dated 2nd Dec 12 for Matha
Amruthananda mayee devis darsan on Sradha or Concentration.
Pativrithya karakan is sani for male pathivrithyam or karma sanyasi or
meditator. Makara, kumbam, Thulam lagnam or kooru are the sani sakthi